Even as a young child, Kareen was curious and full of wonderment. She saw her rural setting as an unlimited source of engagement. Among her best friends were her farm animals. Whether it was Molly McGee,her bacon chip eating foal, or Freckles,her faithful border collie, she always had a furry friend at her side.

While juggling school, social activities and teenage distractions, Kareen started her teaching career. Sunday school,piano lessons,swimming lessons and aquasize are a few of her endeavours. Fast forward, a few decades and Kareen has now taught every level except high school, been a consultant and mentor to her fellow teachers and has retired from public education. Can she let her lifelong passion of learning stop now? Absolutely not! When she’s not back in the classroom engaging young minds , she is creating content and holding classes.

 Kareen specializes in helping learners make sense of content by using a hands on, practical approach. She combines teachings and strategies from different modalities to help create a variety of offerings for teachers,parents and empowerment seekers. Some of the modalities she is enthusiastic about are astrology, numerology and chakra energy systems. By merging her career of lifelong teaching with the spiritual arts, she has intertwined 2 worlds into one magical space. That’s how That Star Queen came to be. She identifies the illumination of your star blueprint, your elemental balance as well as your energy systems. When Kareen isn’t creating new content or developing another course she is gardening, walking in the forest with her dog, Ruby or spending time with her family on their ranch in NW Alberta.

My Big Why: To help you become the driver of your own life.


Have you ever been on autopilot and felt like you were spinning out of control? Micromanagement wasn’t working anymore, busy-ness was getting old, and life was passing you by. Have you ever been there? I had, and I was beyond exhausted. I knew I had to find a better way of living. My journey of self began when I discovered astrology and all of it’s gifts. As I started diving into Pandora’s Box of Spiritual Arts, I was hooked. I realized that emotions, ailments, and the stars were all interconnected. I realized that mindfulness wasn’t just a buzz word but a component of living purposefully. The career driven me with my planbook and checklists was slowly taking a backseat to the intuitive driven me who could beat by my own drum and live life without regret. Do you want to be the driver in your life?

I’m here to help you get there.