Welcome to my enchanted castle.

A long time ago in a faraway land lived a wee, little princess. She lived among the sagebrush and crocuses. She frolicked all day with her dog and her fairy friends. She loved spending time in the water, swimming and enjoying the sunshine. She loved to run in the wind, dance in the sun and play on her grand piano. She spent most of her time outside enjoying mother nature. She loved learning, painting and creating. She didn’t have a care in the world. Later, she went to a school of higher learning and became a teacher for all princesses everywhere. While making interesting activities and lessons for the royal children, she soon realized that there were so many things that weren’t taught to her pupils. Magical things that would help them cope with their demanding jobs as leaders of the people. This is when she started to fill her treasure chest with crown jewels and gathering ancient teachings so she could share them with everyone. Once she became ThatStarQueen she opened up her Enchanted Castle to everyone that wanted to learn magical ways of the cosmos and the universe. Her teachings were so riveting that patrons lined up for days so they could learn about her enchanted ways.