Let me tell you the top stories that have changed my life…


Once upon a time lived a princess full of life and full of energy. She loved to run and dreamed of flying. She lived  to explore and investigate. She was a natural born detective. The world was her oyster. Until… 

One day….. All of her passions and dreams came to a screaming halt when she was told that princesses don’t act that way and all of this foolishness needed to stop. “What!” screamed the princess, “How will I ever survive?”  

“You will survive minding your manners and following the courtyard rules!” announced her father, King Sag.

     Stripped of her fiery persona and her freedom to do as she pleased she became melancholy and sad. Emotionally she wanted to cry, but she wasn’t allowed. She wanted to speak her truth, but she wasn’t allowed. She wanted to go dig in the garden and become a dirty mess but she wasn’t allowed. So… she did what all fiery princesses must do. She climbed up the gigantic staircase to the topic of the castle and went out onto the balcony and announced that all princesses in the kingdom are allowed to be fiery or earthy or emotional or loud if they want to be!!! That’s when the Master Star Reader whispered in her ear that she was a  Fire Moon Princess and should always be free. Are you curious what type of princess you are? 

 Once upon a time in the Land of Rainbow’s End, there was a young prince. Normally he was upbeat and positive, energetic and creative but recently he felt in a funk. He was tired, uninspired, negative and stressed. He was bewildered about his state of mind and decided to set out on a journey to find out what could be done to help him. He stopped at many villages asking for help , but they kept saying,”Go yonder,go yonder! So on the 8th day of travelling he saw in the distance, a castle. The young prince became very excited and quickly knocked on the drawbridge door. Once inside he was ushered off to the queen, who was anticipating his visit. She presented him with a treasure chest full of 8 small packages. She told him to open a package a day, eat the goodies inside and follow the instructions. After the 8 days, he should be feel more balanced and more like his normal self. When he finally returned home, he realized that he was feeling much better. Those around him were so surprised with his transformation that they wanted to find out more and they headed to the queen’s castle too. Do you want to find out what was in the treasure chest? Do you want to be more in balance?

Once upon a time, T*Q,disguised herself and left on a journey. She was in search of answers. She had recently became queen and she was so confused. Why couldn’t some members of her castle get along? Why were some of the members of her court so emotional? Yet others so calm and collected? Why did some of her Royal Court great at organizing, or creating, or having fun. She wanted answers. She wanted some clarity so she could have the best castle in the land. Her first stop was at the Elemental Kingdom. The Leo King explained the elements and helped T*Q understand the emotional realm of her castle better but she had one more stop. We travelled to the Star Wizard and found out about the star codes and how each member had their own set of blueprints to help her and them navigate castle life. Now that she had this knowledge, T*Q was able to understand create a cohesive castle that honored all members in harmony. Do you want to learn about your elemental and unique star code?